
Showing posts from September, 2017

Wuches Independence Story!

Thereafter, the people within the borders of Nigeria were known to the world as ‘‘Nigerians,’’ but in reality this designation meant little to most people, whose lives continued to be primarily centered on local communities that had existed for hundreds and thousands of years. this past 57 years, i see it as the medieval period, the dark age Nigeria experienced. starting from today renaissance has taken place. i see greater height for Nigeria if we the confused citizens are ready to CHANGE! HAPPY INDEPENDENCE!!! its not a new thing that today marks exactly 57 years of  independence  from the colonial masters, it seemed so sudden, But it took a long time. we got independence!  that time came and we were granted the freedom to rule ourselves and become a sovereign nation. everyone was happy  that, we could  finally rule ourselves. but Nigerians never saw the great storm coming, the storm of selfishness, the storm that stormed over millions of Nigerians during the 1967-70 civil wa